Sunday, May 5, 2019

Something Abstract

How good it would have been!
If you would've existed.
You are a lost partner; a distant kin.
You do exist! But only in my entwined thoughts.
I can see you, talk to you. 
But at the end, you are just a mere illusion.
We are tied together with something
like endless knots.
You are the one I like, the one I want.
I think you're real 
but that's just a harrowing delusion.
We have something delicate 
yet perennial between us.
I'm a slightly shattered bridge 
while you are a truss.
I wish I could embrace you, be with you. 
Sadly, that's impossible because 
you are not real and that's a heartbreaking fact.
You are beautiful, delicate and amazing. 
But in the end... You are something abstract.

~ Della

A Howl

A howl. A howl so distant With a wish of melancholy as its assistant Teardrops of darkness bleeding in it A mist of inexplicable pain in...